About Beyond Prague

Prague is a beautiful city which I have nothing against and I fully recommend paying it a visit. It is, however, the prime point of entry into the Czech Republic and I’ve met many people who have traveled to the Czech Republic and yet never ventured beyond the confines of the capital. This is a pity.

I’ve set up this blog to share a wider picture of this small but fascinating country. In the 78,866 square kilometres that the country occupies, there is much on offer for visitors of a variety of tastes. For the history enthusiast, the country is dotted with historically significant cities and monuments to visit and is home to several UNESCO world heritage sites. If you are a lover of outdoor sports and activities, many areas offer great camping and hikng opportunities as well as canoeing and world class cross-country skiing areas.

I do not have a professional background in either travel or photography. The information I present to you in this blog has been, to the largest degree, gathered through my experiences of visiting these places as a tourist and taking pictures of them as a tourist would. In short, what you see on this blog is very much in line with what you could experience if you visited these places for yourself.

I keep the arrangement of the blog quite straightforward. Outside of the main page, there is a drop-down main menu at the top of the page and a smaller sidebar menu.

The drop-down menu contains tourism and general interest information in the main while the sidebar menu contains information more of interest to expats and other people planning to spend a longer time in the country.

Two or three times a year, I clean up the main page by moving older articles to the menus or deleting them. If you stop seeing an article you liked on the main page, check the menus, chances are good it’s still on the site.

About Me

My name is Kevan and I am a Canadian expat who relocated to the Czech Republic in July of 2004. I make my home in Brno, the country’s second largest city, which is located in the beautiful south east of the country.

I came for a variety of reasons, but with no expectations. Many times, usually through bureaucracy or language, this country has given me fits. However, it has compensated me well through a wealth of things to see and visit and a well developed network of rail and bus transport to be able to access so much of it with.

I’ve grown to love the Czech lands as much as my birth land and I’m proud to share them through this blog.

Copyright Information

All photos on this blog have been taken by me unless otherwise noted.

As I derive no revenue from this blog, I ask only that you give credit to “Beyond Prague” if you wish to republish photos you’ve seen on this blog.